Limits of Parity Measures


  • Limits of Parity Measures: Infra-Marginality, Intersectionality, Causality

Reading (Required)

Simoiu, Corbett-Davies, and Goel describe the impact that different distributions of behaviors can have on decision making and how parity conditions sometimes incorrectly point toward non-existent discrimination. This article is accessible, clear, and includes a detailed walk-through of the concept through an analysis of the effects of predictive policing on Black communities.

Parity Measures requires classifying individuals into defined groups. The politics of how those groups are defined matters.

Reading (Optional)

This article describes the phenomenon of ‘Fairness Gerrymandering’, in which a model constrained to be ‘fair’ will naturally move unfairness to carefully divided subgroups of people defined through intersectionality.

This article proposes an approach to measuring fairness for individuals that identify with multiple salient groups (intersectionality):

Reading Responses

  • In the Infra-Marginality Paper, carefully re-read the section on Omitted variable bias (page 1211). In the COMPAS dataset, we have the variables here. Which of these variables may have a similar effect on the differences in distributions between COMPAS scores for Black vs. White defendants? Why?

  • In Data Feminism:

    1. Summarize the main argument of the reading
    2. Give a supporting argument the author uses
    3. Discuss any objects you may have or subtleties the author must deal with.