Analyzing Time Series Data
This week’s assignments will guide you through the following topics:
- Know the essential components of time series analysis
- Analyze time series data on Wikipedia
Please watch these short Youtube videos:
Please read these two papers:
- Jennifer Pan and Margaret E. Roberts. “Censorship’s Effect on Incidental
Exposure to Information: Evidence From Wikipedia”
- Brian C. Keegan and Chenhao Tan. “A Quantitative Portrait of Wikipedia’s
High-Tempo Collaborations during the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic”
- It’s a bit long but demonstrates the many uses of several Wikipedia data
If you have time and interested in real-world applications:
Complete the following tasks:
- Continue to compute/optimize the M-Statistic for all English Wikipedia Articles.
- Plot time series of edit history of some highly-edited pages.
- Do you notice some patterns?
- Do the patterns differ between human vs. bot edits?
- Think about and describe some potential ways you can quantify the effect of bot
policies on the quality of collaboration on Wikipedia using concepts from the
Weekly Questions
Answer the standard participation