Extracting Statistics from Source Code


This week’s assignments will guide you through the following topics:

  • Computational concerns of creating graphs from Smali
  • Using graph statistics as features (and using these for EDA).


Please read the following:

  • (Re)Read HinDroid sections 3.1 - 3.2 (Features & HIN construction).
  • From the /teams/DSC180A_FA20/a04malware directory, run the command ls -l malware/ | shuf | head -3. This will pull 3 Malware types at random. Google them and try to find out what they do.


  • Read MaMaDroid (Sections I, IIABC). This paper uses something closer to an n-gram approach to source code in the same setting.


Complete the following tasks:

  • Continue work on the ETL pipeline (work on the larger dataset)
  • Complete an EDA on (a sample of) the app dataset in the /teams directory. You should be aiming to answer questions:
    • how do the apps differ for Malware vs Not? Different types of Malware? Random vs. Popular apps?
    • which classes in an app ‘add no new information’? How might you extract data from a subset of the smali files in an app?
  • From the EDA, you’ve likely computed a table where the observations are apps and the columns are statistics for that app. Use this to train/test a baseline classifier (e.g. using Logistic Regression). This will serve as a basis for later comparison.

Weekly Questions

Answer the following questions on Canvas:

  • Give a summary of a Malware type in the training data that you researched. What does it do? How does it work?
  • Give an interesting observation from your EDA. Be specific, with precise values!
  • What features did you use in your baseline model? What was the model performance?
  • What difficulties did you encounter that you would like to discuss this week?