Data: Code Parsing, Malware


This week’s assignments will guide you through the following topics:

  • What is Malware? What does it do?
  • Identifying Malware by code structure: Libraries, APIs, and network calls.
  • Disassembling Android bytecode to Smali code (and interpreting it).


Please read the following:

  • Hindroid Section 2. The slides from a talk on this paper also help understanding Smali code
  • Read slides on the process of creating Smali code. The slides more generally speak about recompiling an App after changing Smali code (perhaps injecting malicious code). While interesting, you only need to focus on the slides decribing the correspondence between Java source code and Smali code. This is also a very handy guide for quick access to smali syntax.
  • Read this post about searching for malicious Javascript using static code analysis. This article uses the dependency graph of different programs to emphasize how much unknown code you may be installing, even when installing a “trusted” library (npm is javascripts package manager, much like python’s pip).


Complete the following tasks:

Apks and Smali Code

Android apps are written in Java and compiled to Dalvik bytecode, and distributed in zipped files called apks, to be run on a phone. The bytecode is denoted with the .dex file suffix. To statically analyze android code, we need to decompile these dex files to a representation in what’s called Smali code. Since we will be attempting to understand what code does from Smali files, we need to understand how Smali represents Java source code.

  1. To download apk files directly on your computer, you can use To obtain an apk file from the play store, you would need to install it on a phone, then grab the file from the mobile device (not recommended).
  2. To decompile an Android Apk to Smali code, download and use ApkTool. Follow the download instructions and run it on a sample (benign) android app.

I created a docker image (amfraenkel/android-malware-project) that has the apktool already installed, for use on campus servers.

Measurements from Code

  • Calculate stats on a single apk.
  • Reason through what you think might be useful statistics to collect might be for Malware. Which methods/classes might be important vs noise?

Weekly Questions

Answer the following questions on Canvas:

  • What are the components of Smali? How do you identify a class? a method?
  • What is a useful statistic to compute from source code that summarizes something interesting about what that software might do? What did that statistic look like in the apk you downloaded?
  • Did the apk you downloaded have classes that look ‘obfuscated’? (e.g. a/a/b/c/a). What do you think is going on there? Why isn’t the class a.smali from two totally different apps the same class? Can you still compare them in a useful way? (i.e. not just their name). What does this have to do with private classes and namespaces?